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How In-Home Elder Care Should Operate
Jordan Rocksmith
As people age, things that were once easy become more difficult. This could be something as simple as remembering if you took your daily medications or being able to wash your own hair. Just because daily tasks have become difficult to the degree that you need assistance doesn’t mean that you should give up your independence to move into an assisted living home. Elder care in Portland does include assisted living homes, but an additional option not many are aware of is the option of in-home care.
The first step to signing up with an in-home caregiver is to figure out what you need help with and what the caregiver company is able to provide. You and your family members should have an initial meeting and introduction to those providing the care. A discussion of what you need assistance with and any of your family’s concerns will need to be discussed so the caregiver has a clear idea of what is expected of them. The level of care can then be determined and a service plan will be created. The caregiver is responsible for knowing about medications, allergies, nutritional needs, all medical equipment in use by the patient, and the layout of the home in case of an emergency evacuation.
Depending on the service plan, the caregiver may come by the home for a few hours each day or they may spend the entire day with you. If there is any issues with the caregiver provided to you, be sure to bring this up with the company immediately so problems can be addressed and fixed. Whileelder care in Portland can be a daunting thought, the experience should always be a positive one. A company should always provide exemplary care with constant regard to your feelings as well as your needs.
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can be a daunting thought, the experience should always be a positive one. To know more about us, visit
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How In-Home Elder Care Should Operate}