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Submitted by: Arora Tarun
There are different reasons why people travel the world. It could be anything. For the love of it. Experiencing the adventure. Escaping from your daily routines. Satisfying your curiosities. Even taking those exquisite photographs for your Instagram account could be a reason. Travel is a great motivator and Round the World travel gives you an enriching experience.
Whatever be the reason to travel, one thing is for sure, you cannot deny thatyou would not be the same person whenever you go around the world. Travel definitely changes a person. The more you go out there and explore, the more you will get to know yourself and the world.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. – assaid by the famous T.S. Eliot.
Its a known fact that travel is the best teacher you can ever get. The learnings you get are unmatched and it serves as a motivator of sorts. Well, there are countless travel quotes to take inspiration from. So what is stopping you? Its nothing and travel is worth of all things valuable in life.
Here are 7 reasons (well! some not only) why you should take the plunge of going around the world.
1.Opens You Up
When you travel to places that you have never been to, you get to know about a lot of things which you usually dont get to know. Our minds are full of pre-conceived notions and stereotypes. But once you travel, you open yourself up to new cultures, new languages, new food and new people. You gain new perspective towards life itself. You start developing a connect with the things and people around you and suddenly the world seems to be worth enjoying and exploring.
2.Knowing Yourself
Travelling gives you the opportunity to test yourself. You get to see and know the ways in which you deal with challenges that are thrown towards you while you are on the road. This self-introspection and self-discovery is only possible when you are away from your daily routines and schedules and are on the go. You end up testing your capabilities and the results would definitely be fruitful.
3.You get a Great Teache
Learning while you are on your foot around the world beats any university degree. The education and learning that you can get while travelling is such that no class-room can impart. Travel will not only teach you the subjects that you might have studied in your school or college, but will also teach you the most important subject Life. And Hey! You dont have to sit for an entrance exam for this.
4.You become a Yes person
When you travel across the globe, you would often come across situations that may not necessarily be your cup of tea. You may be the introvert kind and adrenaline-pumping action and adventure may not be on the top of your priority list. But hey! As we all know, travel opens you up to a host of new possibilities and that includes saying YES to a lot of more things. It helps you to overcome your inhibitions and apprehensions and do things which makes for great memories and travel stories. It wouldnt hurt anybody if youd be spontaneous and took a spur of the moment decision. The results would be for you to see (definitely good!).
5.Fulfil Your Curiosities
Travel helps to open your mind to a host of new experiences and situations. Pushing a little further is all it takes to fulfil your curiosities. You may be intrigued or fascinated by the person sitting across in the bus youre travelling in distant lands. Go ahead and strike a conversation with them. Who knows you might end up knowing some exciting stories of their culture. Push yourself a little further on the trekking trail, who knows you might end up seeing a view which is virgin and never seen before. Overcome your fears and apprehensions and fulfil your curiosity quotient.
6.Building Relationships
Travel often provides you with memories and moments spent with new people worth cherishing. While you are on the road, you will come across different people in different situations. And these are the people who would often end up in the list of your most valued relationships. These relationships give you a new and fresh perspective towards life and the way you view other human beings. You end up realising that everyone is the same and relationships are not that complicated as made out to be.
7.Just Because
Why do you travel? Why do you want to travel? What? Why? When? How? The answer is simple Because we can. Because we have to. Because we want to. There are no full stops to the because and the reasons why you have to travel. You sometimes dont need any reasons to travel. You just do it for the heck of it.
About the Author: Tarun Arora is an Owner and author of
, Which is one of the best comprises of a team of travel experts in the field of global travel and specializing in Round the World Tickets and Around the World Flights.
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